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Seeking Help

About immigration to Canada, canadian immigration programms.
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Seeking Help

Post by Rigbys » Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:42 am


I have been offered a job in Alberta (Just outside Edmonton) and it’s been requested that I start in the middle of February 2024.

my employer has an LMIA and said they will be issuing a work permit for me, and that I sort it out ‘at the border’ when I land in Calgary. Me and my wife have been looking into immigration to Canada with the kids for a while but had kind of written it off, for this year at least and this offer and the short turn around time has come as a shock!

Is it as easy as I’ve been made to believe? Do I just turn up at the border with my letter of employment, Biometrics (pre done) and that’s that? I am a UK National so do I need a medical? The things I’ve read would indicate I don’t?

furthermore, once we are in Canada we seem to face issues of being able to stay there. We won’t have enough points straight away for EE. My NOC code is one under the ‘Accelerated Tech Pathway’ so could apply for that whilst over there, but not sure how long that avenue will be open for?

As far as Alberta PNP goes, am I correct to say that an EE profile is not required if we were to go down that route? Once again, that’s how it reads online?

My head is spinning!

All help massively appreciated and a Merry Christmas to all that see this.

