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MN1 Form Question Queries

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:55 am
by saqib_26
Question 1.1

My 4+ and 2 years old UK born kids have travelled to Srilanka. I have now granted ILR on 1st oct 2013 and did not include them on my ILR application. Now I am going to get them registered under section 1(3) ,
Is it correct?

My kids got a visa from home office and srilankian passports for travelling purpose.
Please guide me what I should write here:
1- Srilankan nationality or
2- Leave it blank

Last Question

I am leaving following sections Blank, please confirm I am filling the form correctly.
Section 2 (Residential requirement) because they are born in the UK and still under 5years.
Section3 (parent Residence) because we are applying under section 1(3).
Section 4 (good character Requirement) both kids are under 5 years

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:01 am
by Amber
Please continue in your other thread. Do not create new threads about the same topic!