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Moving to Canada from Ireland.

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Moving to Canada from Ireland.

Post by jesskeating1 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:09 pm


So I'm currently in the process of applying to get an IEC work/living permit for Canada. I am an Irish citizen, born and raised there. I was on an F1 Student visa to the USA from September 2018 - September 2023.

Does anyone know if I will be required to get a full background check from the FBI?

If yes, I have been doing some research online on where I can obtain this background check from Dublin, Ireland. I have found an option that is probably the quickest but, most expensive option. It is 655e for an 'FBI accredited digital LiveScan' which is said to give results within 24 hours.
There was another option for 300e which was 'Ink fingerprints on an fd-258 card' where I'll then be responsible for doing everything to get an FBI background check. The results from this option are apparently taking between 12 - 18 weeks to get your results back.

Does anyone know of any other options for getting this done from Dublin? Maybe one a little cheaper but one that doesn't take 12 - 14 weeks to get results.

I have been invited to apply for my visa and accepted my application already, I was wondering if it would just be better for me to not put through all my documents this time round / let my visa application expire/decline my invitation, and go through the whole reapplying / reentering the pool again once I do have all my documents ready to go. Or would my declining this invitation to apply go against me in the future? Or if I were to reapply for the exact same visa say two or three weeks down the line, would they then not invite me to apply again seeing as I would have declined the previous invitation to apply?

Also, any help with actually getting a job once I do get over to Canada? Ideally, I would love to have one set up that I can just begin once I arrive in Toronto.

Id happily also take any advice for anyone who has been through this process before!

All help appreciated!

Many thanks in advance!
