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Hi napo any updatenapo wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:27 pmSame thing with me!Ginapina2024 wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:33 amHow many people have passed the 6 month wait
Kindly share your timeline
application 9 Jan
bio 20 Jan
additional information 17 June
another additional information 31st July.
Is quite crazy
Gulam111 wrote: ↑Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:52 pmHi napo any updatenapo wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:27 pmSame thing with me!Ginapina2024 wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:33 amHow many people have passed the 6 month wait
Kindly share your timeline
application 9 Jan
bio 20 Jan
additional information 17 June
another additional information 31st July.
Is quite crazy
Hi raza did you get back anything?
mowaid wrote: ↑Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:42 pmDear All,
I want to mention here 2 things which every one who is willing to apply DV ILR should note before they apply. There are 2 rules in DV ILR which should meet if any one willing to apply
1 - D-DVILR.1.2
Make sure when you 1st come to UK your 1st visa should be dependent of a British national. Means that if you come to UK as student and than married to a UK national your DV ILR case will not accepted. or if some one come to UK as dependent of non settled person and than after that if that person become British national your case maybe rejected as well. You can only apply for DV ILR if you entered into the UK as a dependent of British national only.
2 - D-DVILR. 1.3
Make sure your domestic violence happened with in your last extension and evidence of domestic violence should be in your last extension and due to it your marriage is broke down. Also make sure if domestic violence is happened it should not be older than 6 month until unless you proof that you was not allowed to leave your spouse home for some reasons.
So make sure these 2 point should meet before you apply some people apply without knowing that and they waste there money, time and marriage.
mowaid wrote: ↑Sat Oct 05, 2024 5:52 pmPlease search Appendix DVA not Appendix FM on 4April 2024 home office change the appendix FM and removed these but added a complete new Appendix DVA which is updated new rules for DV ILR see here
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.u ... +Abuse.pdf
these topics are deleted from Appendix FM as the are not relevant to Family visa any more so the new rules are appendix DVA which have all these 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 added
@moaid Well, my case is a recent case. It happened in the first extension of my visa,mowaid wrote: ↑Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:18 pmHi ,
Can you please tell me what documents you sent to home office as they asked you twice for additional document and what was your original case how long was the domestic violence? how old was the last incident before you moved to refugee camp?
Actually my situation is I have 2 years old police report , GP report and Social service involved. Rest I do not have any recent evidence to support my case will the old evidence work ? Also my last extension was in 2023 after that I have no domestic violence, Police or GP report, I left my house to refugee camp and told them I am victim of domestic abuse on the basis of my 2 years old abuse.
Your case is very very weak and from many years ago. You have to prove with evidence etc that there is domestic abuse. You willinging left and came back to live with your partner and applied for an extension with any domestic issues.l and have no evidence since your extension to support your "claim".mowaid wrote: ↑Sun Oct 13, 2024 6:52 pm@napo was there any physical abuse in your case or it was controlling only.?
My case is like following in 2011, 2021 I called police when fight b/w us broke in in 2021 I called the police as I have mark on my leg as a mobile phone was hit on my leg. police arrived they took my partner and left him after 24 hour and stop him coming close to my house. but he denied all the charges and in his statement to the police he said I am doing all this because I want to apply DV ILR. police did not charged him. but Social service get involved as police reported to them as they were kids in the room when abuse happened.
After that I went to GP but GP did not said that the mark on my leg is due to DV. than social services get involved and I they open child safety issue and stop me going back or contact with my partner. After that I did not applied for DV and left the country in 2 months in 2021.
Than I start living with my partner again in back home. than in 2023 he got a job in UK and he come to UK without me and after 2 months I joined him in UK. during that time we do not have any issue. I got new extension of my spouse visa on October 2023. So that was my last extension during that there was no issue until june 2024 I left his house and went to refugee camp and applied for my Domestic Abuse Concession which was granted and I applied for DV ILR in july 2024. I am getting benefits I have not paid for the DV ILR. I have all the old police report number and GP letters and have some in my personal statement I told he did not allow me to work or withdraw some money from my account to his account but no proof just my statement. other than that I have no proof I am just wondering my case is weak as I have no proper proof in my last extension like I claimed he took my salary from my account to his account just left me 100£ but it was also 7 months old. other than that nothing ?? I have social service letter and refugee letter that they are helping me Do you think I need more proof? I also have 18 years old son which going to be an issue as well because they will ask him why he can not go to him? or maybe he need to proof funds for ilr, plus English language test and life in UK test.
if any one can answer this I will be thankful as I am thinking not to wait more and withdraw the case and back to my home country... as its already 4 months no reply from home office ? does Domestic Abuse Concession mean your case is accepted or it is approved always?