by BakedBeansLobster » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:43 pm
Hello everyone, I have been lurking on this sub a while. I am a male victim of domestic violence. My wife did horrendous things, such as assault me and financially ruin me to the point where I was left homeless. Unfortunately, I have not been fortunate as some of you in getting help from DV charities. Most of the charities I contacted couldn’t take my case as they were operating at full capacity. A lot of things happened but I have submitted evidence to the best of my abilities. I have submitted 2 police attendance reports, on which one the assault took place, my mental health diagnosis showing my PTSD, My personal statement (over 6000 words), a witness statement, a statement from my employers where they saw me come to work with injuries on my face, a medical report of my suicide attempt as I was getting no help and was distressed from the abuse, my bank statements to show financial abuse where she forced me to give her all my money, messages between me and her where she was being controlling and violent. The DV charity I contacted couldn’t offer me support letter as they were not able to assign a case worker to me but they helped me with signposting and such. I got two requests from the home office asking the same documents, a refuge supporting letter. I shared my emails with the DV charity to show them that I was not able to obtain one as I had no case open with them and they didn’t see me in immediate danger as I had already left my wife’s home and living on my own with a trusted friend. All this is causing me a lot of stress and trouble. The police report names my wife as a suspect and me as a victim. Why is the Home Office repeatedly asking for the same information. I’m very distressed and don’t know what to do. I submitted the same information with an cover letter explaining why I didn’t have a refuge letter. Any people here who can give me some advice?