Hello everyone,
I recently joined this site which has some great information here, thanks for everything. I am planning to apply for naturalisation later this month and just had a few questions, would much appreciate any feedback on these:
1. I received my ILR on 1st March last year (Tier 1 entrepreneur). Can I apply by the 20th of this month (Feb). I believe the HO would disregard up to 10 days earlier as per the caseworker guidance: (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.u ... retion.pdf – page 26, third bullet point). The reason I’m pushing for slightly earlier is that I have a fair bit of travel coming up late May / early June and I was hoping to get the naturalisation and passport done with by then so I won’t have to apply for visas for where I’m planning to travel, which otherwise I would need
2. Can I use a British friend as a referee who is a Chartered Financial Analyst? I’m not too sure if that qualifies on the list of professions. The other referee is also British but is a designer, and I believe that doesn’t qualify
3. Proof of living: is my passport enough (it’s an Indian passport, and has several UK entry / exit stamps until around last year, after which they’ve by and large stopped stamping), or should I also provide utility / council tax bills? If so, bills only from last year or even previous ones, which would already be there in my ILR application anyway
4. My original entry stamp for the Tier 1 visa is on a previous passport from 2018 – should I include this as well, or only going back 5 years from now?
5. I’ve completed 30 trips in the main application form and have several more which are on a separate page (have included total days for ease of the caseworker for last 5 years and last 1 year). I assume this is fine or should I simply put all my travel on the separate sheet itself? As reference, I’m within the 450 days and 90 days absence period.
6. Should I include the land registry title of my apartment if it helps?
7. Finally, the biggest question I have is regarding my employment / tax office number: I currently have a small start-up design company in the UK but also have been working for my family’s overseas company for 20-odd years (it has British clients as well). My salary these past years has been paid by the overseas company to me in the UK and I have paid full taxes on those here. Thus, my tax returns show me as employed rather than self-employed but I don’t have a Tax Office Reference number. Should I give my UTR number instead and disclose that I have been running both companies, UK and overseas in an explanation and since the salary is from abroad, that I don’t have a tax office reference number? I don’t know if this would go against me since the HO may not like an overseas job. I could also get a letter from my accountant confirming that my tax affairs are in order perhaps?
Thank you all!
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