pk2080 wrote:the website info is confusing ..hence asking..
Do we need to give UK Address proofs or need to give for India address also
pk2080 your point is fair, in regards to info.
However whenever I had to renew my family Indian passport we never changed the address in it, which was Indian address. For renewal if you are not changing the (Indian) address, (Indian address) proof is not be required. perhaps your existing passport is your Indian address proof itself.
However for HCI/CGI to verify your UK residence in their jurisdiction regions; they will require address proof for the UK, however this does not mean they will change your Indian address in your passport which is to be renewed.
Hope you got your answer?
"Change of address
To change Indian/UK address in the Indian Passport, applicant must apply for issue of a new Passport with copy of documents establishing new address in the form of utility bills, latest monthly bank statements, property papers etc.
•Application form completely filled in and signed.
•4 (four) Passport size (35 mm x 45 mm) identical photographs showing frontal view of full face with white background
•The current Passport having valid Visa or Residence Permit is required to be enclosed with photocopies of detail pages and Visa. In case the latest Passport is additional booklet(s) issued to the original Passport, the additional booklet(s) plus the original Passport must be furnished.
•Documents establishing new address in the form of utility bills, latest monthly bank statements, property papers etc