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student application question

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student application question

Post by tina_44 » Sat Apr 24, 2004 10:58 pm

Hi Everybody. :?:

I have to extend my student visa soon. I am doing a PhD, currently on my 2 year. As my husband dependant on my visa got a job at a multinational company, I would like to apply to HSMP after finish my Phd. My question is Should I say on the form (when extending my visa) that I am expecting to apply to HSMP when finish my Phd instead to go back to my country? or it is better to keep saying I am going back.

Many thanks for your help and information,

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Re: student application question

Post by Chess » Sun Apr 25, 2004 9:22 am

or it is better to keep saying I am going back.

Where there is a will there is a way.

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student visa extension doubt

Post by tina_44 » Mon Apr 26, 2004 1:48 pm

Dear Chess.

Thanks for your answer. But it led to another question. As my husband job is a permanent one, the home office's people might ask why if he got a permanent job I am still thinking to go back to my country. The point is I want to have all possible answers up to my sleeve.

Thanks in advance for your help :roll:

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Post by Chess » Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:35 pm


If I were in your shoes - I would not worry about the 'Will I go Back home or not issue'.

So long as you are registered with the university and have got all the necessary proof - including paying fees - then your visa will be renewed.

To satisfy the student rules - you must intend to return home - however your situation is different as your hubby has a permanent job....

I thought that there was nothing like a permanent job/job for life these days :roll:

Last but not least - sometimes it 'pays' to be 'economical' with the truth

All the best
Where there is a will there is a way.
