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Born After 1st Jan 1983 in UK and living here for 8years

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:24 am
by sugardoll
Hi All,

I am new to this forum and would like to know if i am eligible to British citizenship as i was born in UK September 1983, at the time both parent were students.

All my siblings were born here and now resides here and have their british passport. Am the youngest.
I dont have records of my parents old passports (my dad is late and my mum has lost her old passport) they both were in UK from early 70's till mid 80's before returning to Nigeria.

I have been leaving in the UK for about 8 years.

If am not entitled, can i apply for naturalisation? if yes, when?

Thanking you in advance for your time and advice

PS - I have my application in the home office, its been there for a few years now and they are not responding.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:45 am
by vinny
You're entitled to register, if you had spent your first 10 years of your life in the UK.

Naturalisation may be an alternative.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:23 am
by sugardoll
Thank you for your response Vinny.

I did not spend the first 10years of my life in the UK. (I assume that means i am not entitle to register)

I have spent all night reading and trying to understand the UKBA information on Naturalisation, i may not even be able to Naturalise as i came back to the UK as a visitor in 2004.
(My family did not want me to stay as a visitor but i refused and left home) Now i wish i listened.

I know and understand that people who respond within this forum are only trying to help.
The more i read the more hopeless my case seem to me, any advise on what to do will help.
:( :cry: :?