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re naturalisation after october 2013 can affect who R wt 6mo

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:57 pm
by babe_khyber
What this link show just click in then the home office plan will be unjustifiable. Any advice will be appreciated thx.
best wishes
babe Khyber ... -of-intent

Re: re naturalisation after october 2013 can affect who R wt

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:06 am
by niteshj
babe_khyber wrote:What this link show just click in then the home office plan will be unjustifiable. Any advice will be appreciated thx.
best wishes
babe Khyber ... -of-intent
it's a long read and I don't understand the ins and outs of it BUT if it's saying that EVERY person applying for settlement (spouse, extended family members, etc) need to prove proficiency in the English language - then FANTASTIC! about time something like this was brought in, and I hope other countries follow suit (USA, Australia, NZ, etc).

This is an English speaking country and everyone who want to settle here has to speak engligh. I am of Indian origin but everyone in our family here speaks perfect english (even great grandparents) and that is how it should be if you want to migrate to an English speaking country.