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British citizenship eligibility?

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:49 pm
by Naruto_kun

I have a complicated question related to British Citizenship eligibility please.

I applied for asylum in 2004,
Home Office interview in Jun 2007,
Granted HP for 5 years in Jul 2007 and,
Granted ILR in Nov 2012.

Now my question is: In my case, would the UKBA apply discretion to waive the required 12 months permanent residence period? Or is it merely not their fault to keep me waiting for almost three years?

I have never been out of the UK during the last 8 and a half years. Having graduated from university recently with no passport/travel document is deteriorating my career prospects, can't apply for jobs related to my degree (recently got turned down for a job for not having a passport/TD, most employers require their staff to hold a valid passport/TD), etc.. etc...

Thank you for your help and advice))

Re: British citizenship eligibility?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:36 am
by Amber
Naruto_kun wrote:Hi

I have a complicated question related to British Citizenship eligibility please.

I applied for asylum in 2004,
Home Office interview in Jun 2007,
Granted HP for 5 years in Jul 2007 and,
Granted ILR in Nov 2012.

Now my question is: In my case, would the UKBA apply discretion to waive the required 12 months permanent residence period? Or is it merely not their fault to keep me waiting for almost three years?

I have never been out of the UK during the last 8 and a half years. Having graduated from university recently with no passport/travel document is deteriorating my career prospects, can't apply for jobs related to my degree (recently got turned down for a job for not having a passport/TD, most employers require their staff to hold a valid passport/TD), etc.. etc...

Thank you for your help and advice))
If you had an application for asylum or leave to remain refused but later approved because the initial decision was incorrect, and this initial mistake caused a delay before you could apply for indefinite leave to remain then you may be able to apply before 12 months ILR. Otherwise you'll have to wait 12 months unless married/civil p to a bc. Furthermore, you should not be discriminated against at work for not having a passport, your BRP should be enough to show you have the right to work. Unless the job is abroad?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:23 am
by Naruto_kun
Thanks for the prompt response.

It was a British global company specialises in engineering. When I explained to them my lovely story, their HR department made it crystal clear that holding a passport/TD is a necessary requirement, in case of having to relocate abroad and other security purposes. BRP is not enough :shock:

Well, I guess waiting is my only option here.

Have a nice day))