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ILR and registration for citizenship

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:15 pm
by jinny2337
Hi everyone,

I have a son who was born in the UK in 2011 when I was under work permit. we both applied ILR in April and granted. I completely forgot the fact that I could apply for citizenship straight for my son after my ILR granted at that time.

I suddenly remember this and so regreted to spend extra money (over 1000 pounds) and time.

My question is
1. would it be possible to apply for my son's citizen now ( under section 1(3)) or does he still need to wait next year when it becomes 1 year for the application for naturalisation?
2. if he can apply for citizen now, does he need to send his original passport since we are planning to go travel abroad?

I would appreciate your answer

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:22 pm
by Jambo
1. Yes.
2. Yes unless you use NCS/certify copies by a solicitor.