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Knowledge of English Language for Citizenship

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:29 pm
by jimmybhathena

I am seeking some help to understand if my wife and I have to do a English Language Test for my citizenship application due soon.
Based on the new requirement, I am not sure if we have to do the English test. Here is our situation.

Myself - I graduated from Univerisity of Mumbai in Bachelor of Commerce and recently have completed my MSc degree from University of Reading in UK.

Wife - My wife has graduated in Bachelor of Arts from University of Mumbai.

The University of Mumbai seems to be considered acceptable for English language test but how can I be sure? Do we need to send the certificate to NARIC and do we have to get the English language Assessment done via NARIC?

In case if we have to do the tests, it is not clear what is meant by the following?

"Certificate showing that you have a speaking and listening qualification in English at B1 CEFR or higher, or an equivalent level qualification;"

Can anyone explain what is a qualification in English at B1 CEFR or higher mean? There is a list of various English tests, but not sure which one is the best and easiest to do?

Any guidance will be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:38 pm
by Amber
You're ok with a UK degree, in addition to LIUK. Is your wife's degree awarded 30 and 10 points respectively on the PBS calculator.

Knowledge of English Language for Citizenship

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:28 pm
by jimmybhathena
Thanks for your prompt reply Amber.

Yes for my wife, she gets 10 points in the Points Based System on the Points Based Calculator.

Does this mean she will have to make a NARIC Application or just the Degree and Marksheets will be ok?

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:54 pm
by Amber
A print out of the PBS calculator award of 30 (qualification) and 10 (English Skills) and the degree certificate in addition to LIUK will suffice KoLL.

Knowledge of English Language for Citizenship

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:47 pm
by jimmybhathena
Thanks once again for your prompt reply.
However, I am not sure which PBS calculator option should i choose? There is Tier1, Tier2, Tier3 and Tier4 but no mention of citizenship here?

Which option do I have to choose?

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:59 pm
by Amber
Just use T1, it really makes no difference.

Knowledge of English Language for Citizenship

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:22 pm
by jimmybhathena
Ok Thank you very much once again.
This answers to all my queries!

Re: Knowledge of English Language for Citizenship

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:29 pm
by tmehta
Hi jimmybhathena,

I have the same query that you had some time ago. From your post it appears that for citizenship you submitted printouts of points awarded on PBS calculator - for degree & english language.

If you could let me know the outcome of your wife application - did home office accept PBS point printouts as evidence for qualification and English language?

Many thanks,

Re: Knowledge of English Language for Citizenship

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:08 pm
by jimmybhathena
Hi Tejas

Sorry for the late reply. I haven't yet applied and my application is in the middle of 2014 but I asked early on as it takes a few months if you have to do the exam.

I have also inquired with the Home Office directly and they have replied suggesting the below quote. Note, this is not to be construed as an answer to your query but just an additional piece of information. You may want to check with the immigration team at the home office by calling them yourself. However, hope this information is useful to you and everyone else reading this post.

Current Koll requirements are given at the following link- ... hip/kol-uk

From this link the following information is provided concerning degrees taught in English-

{Those who have obtained a degree taught in English will not be required to show a formal speaking and listening qualification. Those with an academic qualification (not a professional or vocational qualification) who provide appropriate evidence that the qualification was taught or researched in English are considered automatically to meet the English language component of the KoLL requirement and will not be required to show a formal speaking and listening qualification. The qualification must be deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or PhD in the UK. However, they will still be required to pass the Life in the UK test to demonstrate their knowledge of life in the UK.}

Currently there is no points based calculator for applications of naturalisation and the guidance requests appropriate evidence that the qualification was taught in English and a statement of equivalence from UK NARIC to prove the standard.

You may wish to use the points based calculator in lieu of a statement of equivalence for proving the qualification is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the required standard for the language requirement of nationality applications mentioned within this guidance. However, evidence to support your application will then be considered at the discretion of a caseworker, if they are not satisfied they may request further evidence. This could delay your application.

Please also note that as the onus is upon the individual to ensure that he/she satisfies the requirements set out in the guidance material that accompanies each and every application form, the Nationality Group is not able to give, indicate or advise upon the outcome of any such application prior to it being correctly submitted and being given full and careful consideration. Therefore, you are advised to read through the guide prior to submitting a future application.