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Child born AFTER parents get ILR: How to get passport?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:19 pm
by plabo

Can someone please clarify if a child is born after both parents have got ILR (not UK passport yet), how do we go on applying for that child's passport?

Does he need to be registered through MN1 (OR) can directly become a British Citizen. I know the MN1 pathway, but if the child can directly become a British Citizen, how do we apply for his passport?

Re: Child born AFTER parents get ILR: How to get passport?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:40 pm
by LilyLalilu
Child is already British (if UK born). Apply directly for a passport (forms are available from any post office).

Re: Child born AFTER parents get ILR: How to get passport?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:49 pm
by secret.simon
Is child UK born?

If child is UK born
  • Apply for a passport using the form from the Post Office, as LilyLaLilu advised. I think the Post Office may certify copies of your BRP, given your reluctance to part with it, but I would wait for others to comment.
If child is born abroad
  • Child requires registration under Section 3(1) for which both parents and the child require to have been granted ILR and at least one of the parents needs to be a British citizen. Once the child is registered, the passport can be applied for in the usual fashion.