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firist british passport overseas
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:07 pm
by zohal
I'm british citizen and want to apply first british passport for my son (age under 15)overseas, in that case i have two questions one is the fee payment form print and filled by me and give my payment details and send to my family then they attach with application or the applicant 'll submit fee from overseas from where he is applying
2nd question is the supporting documents im providing with his application are good enough mention below
supporting documents:
Marriage certificate (orignal)
Birth certificate (parents & child)
family registration certificates (both parents)
attested color copy of my nationallity and passport
my wife passport copy (attested )
is there any other supporting documents required
Re: firist british passport overseas
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:26 pm
by CR001
Are you British by birth or a naturalised British citizen?
How old is the child?
Re: firist british passport overseas
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:12 pm
by secret.simon
If the parents have acquired their British citizenship at any time other than at birth, was the child born before or after either parent acquired British citizenship?
Re: firist british passport overseas
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:58 pm
by zohal
i'm british citizen naturalised, My question about submitting fee is the issue because in some cases fee deposit at gerry fedex counter e.g visit visa but in my child case as he applied for first british passport overseas then how shall they submit passport fee?
Re: firist british passport overseas
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:08 pm
by CR001
CR001 wrote:How old is the child?
AND was child born before you became British of after?
Where was the child born??
Fill in the payment sheet as directed by the .gov website. I have assumed you are applying from India as you don't say from where. ... hild/india
Re: firist british passport overseas
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:32 am
by secret.simon
zohal wrote:gerry fedex counter
As there is a reference to Gerry's (who is the visa front end in Pakistan), rather than VFS (the visa front end in India), I would assume that the OP's child is currently in Pakistan. Therefore CR001's
link amended accordingly (not that the information is significantly different).
zohal wrote:i'm british citizen naturalised
secret.simon wrote:was the child born before or after either parent acquired British citizenship?
Remember that the child is British only if s/he was born on of after the date on your (or your wife's, whichever is earlier) naturalisation certificate.
If the child was born before either parent got naturalised AND both parents are now naturalised, the child should apply for ILE.
If the child was born before you got naturalised AND your wife is not naturalised, the child will have the immigration status of the
less-privileged parent (in this case, the mother).
Re: firist british passport overseas
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:50 pm
by zohal
child was born after my nationallity and i can i apply for his british passport but the issue im having now is
that there is one form 'paying by credit or debit card form' can i print that form and fill my card details and post it to my son and he can use it with his application and they can deduct fee from my account because there is no online payment option in this case
Also there is one more form 'applying for a passport from pakistan' and this form says that you can submit supporting documents either pakistan or uk, is that true if some one can check this form and help.