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Need help!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:22 pm
by tanseer1380
I came in this country in January 2012, as a spouse of the British citizen. In April 2014 i got ILR as a spouse of the British citizen living and present in UK.
In January 2017 when i have completed my five years in UK, i applied for citizenship on 5 years grounds because my marriage was broken down in 2015 after almost 17 months of ILR. Now the HO sent me a letter yesterday and asked me to provide following original documents.
1 Passport of my wife
2 Marriage Certificate
3 English language certificate and Life in the UK pass notification.

I am very confused about these documents requirements, the AN form which i submitted at the time of application i clearly mentioned that i am divorced. As per my understanding under 5 years route, I do not need to provide any documents related to my marriage furthermore as i mentioned earlier i have got the divorced i can't provide any document related to my ex-wife because i have not any access to her.
My original Life in UK certificate was taken by NCS agent at the time of application and gave me copy of certificate for my record, Now HO is asking me to provide Life in UK test that i already have provided them at the time of application is made, is it alright to send the copy of certificate to HO. I have original English language certificate with me that i will send to HO.
Could anyone help me how to respond to HO for these quries.

Thank You

Re: Need help!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:06 pm
by CR001
Posts are not deleted. Where is your name showing?? Do you mean username??