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Can pass my British citizenship to my child or not?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:18 pm
by viraam123
Hello everyone,

I have British citizenship by naturalisation. (Earlier I was an Indian citizen). I got this in Nov 2013. I had a daughter who was born in April 2012 in India . I had my ILR since Jul 2011.

Since at time of her birth, I did not have citizenship, so I got her dependent visa as she was born outside UK.
But now I am a citizen since Nov 2013 and living in UK, I wanted to ask some questions:

1) Since I got BC by Naturalisation, I believe I am British otherwise by descent. Am I correct in this?

2) My daughter's visa is due to expire in Sep 2017. Can I apply for her British citizenship, as I am British otherwise by descent, so I should be able to automatically pass BC to my child even if she was born abroad?
Or it is not possible as at time of her birth I was not British citizen even if I am BC now and applying for her visa now.

This question is troubling me a lot that in applying for her visa in sep2017, will my citizenship at time of her birth will be considered or my current status?

Please advice me , I would really appreciate it. Many thanks.

Re: Can pass my British citizenship to my child or not?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 10:10 pm
by CR001
1) Since I got BC by Naturalisation, I believe I am British otherwise by descent. Am I correct in this?
2) My daughter's visa is due to expire in Sep 2017. Can I apply for her British citizenship, as I am British otherwise by descent, so I should be able to automatically pass BC to my child even if she was born abroad?
No. You becoming British after her birth does not suddenly make her British automatically. She will need ILR before she can apply for BC.
Or it is not possible as at time of her birth I was not British citizen even if I am BC now and applying for her visa now.

Re: Can pass my British citizenship to my child or not?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:27 am
by viraam123
ok thank you very much CR001.

Re: Can pass my British citizenship to my child or not?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:37 am
by secret.simon
Also see this post.