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ESOL B1 Level certificate
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:13 pm
by Naeemafzal
Before I book the uk naturalisation appointment . I want some information that I pass B1 level language test 2012 I use that for my further leave to remain application in 2012 and use same B1 language certificate along with life in U.K for my indefinite leave to remain may 2014 can I use same B1 certificate for my naturalisation application ?
Re: ESOL B1 Level certificate
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:27 pm
by resolute
Hi, my wife applied for naturalisation recently and we had the same issue. I remember reading somewhere in the rules that you CAN use a previous IELTS certificate if it was previously used for your ILR application.
But then, when answering Question 1.23 on Form AN, there doesn't seem to be a suitable box to tick (your certificate was before IELTS SELT consortium even existed). In the end, we figured it would be better (even if not legally necessary) to get the updated IELTS B1 listening & speaking qualification. We thought it would help the application to be considered more smoothly.
It's just our experience, maybe it helps you.