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Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 11:52 am
by damy
Hi Guru,

I'm recently just registered as self-employed in February 2017, and not sure what evidence to use for "Evidence of Tax for Self Employed" in my application for Naturalisation.

I did my tax return in Jan 2017, but it was for when I was in full-time employment, can I use the tax return or should I just say I'm employed and use my LTD company as my employer since I get payslip from the company?

Re: Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:36 am
by aravindb4u
Hi Damy,

I was in the same situation like yours, ie I was in full time employment until Feb 17 and then started my own Ltd company in Mar 17.

I have applied for naturalisation in May and got my approval last month (Sep 17) :D

In my application I have mentioned the following (in page 12 I guess where they have a page for fetching any additional info),

1. I am attaching my last 5 years P60 (if you dont have then dont worry just attach what you have) proving you have paid tax correctly for past years when you have been in full time employment

2. I am attaching my company incorporation certificate (which has my newly formed company number and details etc) and VAT registration certificate to prove that I have registered as self employed since March. If you are not VAT registered then it doesnt matter, dont worry.

3. I also mentioned that my very first self assessment (SA) return is due only by Jan 2018. So I haven't filled any SA returns yet. So I have met all my tax obligations up until the date of my application. I also mentioned that in case of any further information or doubts please call me.
Add a lots of "kindly", "please", "thanks" etc in the section. Also be dead honest of what information you give, that is the MOST important bit.

Just to put your mind at ease, I followed the above template and got my approval. So as long as you are honest and ready to provide all information, then you should be fine. Good luck with your application.

Re: Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:52 pm
by damy
Hi aravindb4u,

Thanks for your response and big congratulations on your successful application.

Please, one more question, where it asked if you were self-employed, what did you put there. I read on another post on this forum that since I have a Limited company, I should say I'm an employee.

Thanks again.

Re: Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:20 pm
by Devil81
Hi Damy,

I have been contracting and work through my Ltd company as well. I filed my application in July 2017 and awaiting an outcome.

Documents I submitted supporting my application were:
Accountant letter
Employment history from HMRC (6yrs)
P60s (6yrs)

I insisted on submitting my Self-assessments (SAs) for last 5yrs but NCS lady did not accept saying UKV&I will contact you if any further info. is required.

Additionally you can provide them copy of Cmpy Incorporation Cert and VAT certificate but sometimes NCS don't want to feed them extra docs as they can now check your tax history online.

On your second query, I reckon you're Director of a Ltd Company so put a tick against Director. Also under 1.49 specify your PAYE Ref No. I believe that's more than enough.

As long as your tax records are clean you should be fine. I ensured all my taxes have been paid before the date of my application.


Re: Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:04 am
by aravindb4u
Hi Damy,

I ticked both "Director" and "Employee" as I am director as well as only employee of my company.

On submitting extra forms, my NCS lady was very kind and accepted all extra forms that I wanted to submit.
They cant refuse for any reason, any additional info/documents that you wanted to submit to strengthen your application. It is you who put money into it, and you MUST insist any extra document you submit to be added to the application. They can only "suggest" but have no obligation to refuse it. Having said that my NCS co-ordinator was very kind in accepting all my past year's P60 and even called Home office on the phone to clarify some of my doubts. Good luck.

Re: Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:08 pm
by damy
Thanks everyone for the contributions and support. I'm very grateful

Re: Evidence of tax for self employed - Application for Naturalisation

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:16 am
by englishrose198
Is it mandatory to send P60 and assessment letters. I am self employed and recently submitted my application. I haven't done a self assessment yet as am due in the near future only. Will this cause rejection or would they be asking for more info, am now beating up myself why I haven't even written anything confirming my full time employment and fairly new self employment background

What do you guys think I should do now?