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Form T - What evidence do I need?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:03 pm
by jessef
Hi. I am new to this site. I'm 21 an currently in the process of gathering evidence for Form T. I was born in the UK and have lived here my entire life. My mother was born abroad but I have never had a passport.

I am struggling to understand what evidence will suffice in proving that I lived here from ages 0-10 years. I've moved around my entire life so I've been to about 5 different primary schools. I don't have any letters from them and barely remember some of the names as I was only there a short time. I assume accessing medical records won't be as difficult ajd I have written to my GP about this.

Basically what I want to know is will a school leaving certificate from my last primary school be enough? Other that the only thing I have is school pictures that show school logos. I have called one of the primary schools I attended and they have said they destroy records after 7 years.

I am really worried as I just want this sorted but really don't know what I need to do. Maybe people who have filled out this form and been successful can help me out?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Form T - What evidence do I need?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:42 pm
by Deewani
i applied for my childs T form myself...u just need to get letters from all nursery and schools the dste u started and left..thts all along with red book, imunisation record... and u can read the guidance for form T for detailed info...good luck

Do you have to have a passport to do the UKF Form?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:19 am
by jessef
Hi, just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation to me and can help. I was born in the UK and my mother was born overseas. My father is British by descent and born in the UK. So I figured instead of going through Form T I can use the UKF form. What I'm wondering is whether I would have to submit a passport, the issue with that being that I don't have one and never have.

So has anyone here ever done this form but not submitted a passport and still been successful?


Re: Do you have to have a passport to do the UKF Form?o

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:48 am
by vinny
Was/is your father married to your mother?
What was your mother's UK immigration status when you were born?

Re: Do you have to have a passport to do the UKF Form?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:24 am
by jessef
Thanks for your reply. They were never married and aren't now. I am also unclear on my mum's immigration status as she herself doesn't know. She came over to the UK with her British mother when she was 6 months old.

Re: Do you have to have a passport to do the UKF Form?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:49 am
by vinny
If your mother was British or had ILR or had the right of abode at the time of your birth, then you are automatically British too.

Re: Do you have to have a passport to do the UKF Form?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 12:05 am
by JAJ
Applicants under Form UKF (or Form T) do not need to have a passport. If there is a choice between the two routes then UKF is normally preferable since the fee is lower and a U.K. born person will normally be a British citizen otherwise than by descent.

What's the mother's nationality? If a Commonwealth country- other than Pakistan or South Africa- then she would generally have Right of Abode due to her U.K. born mother. In this case the original poster would be a British citizen automatically and could evidence this on form NS. ... us-form-ns