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Section 3 on Passport application form

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:55 am
by Forest2thirds
Does anyone know whether a passport should be considered as cancelled for the purpose of a British passport application if the nationality in question has lapsed or cancelled or no longer exists?

In the case I am concerned with, the passport in question is a BDTC passport by virtue of a connection with Hong Kong which expired in 1997 when Hong Kong was returned to China. The name of the bearer has since changed.

The BDTC passport has not been cut or punched. However, any BTDC citizenship by virtue of a connection with Hong Kong came to an end on 1 July 1997 pursuant to paragraph 2 of the schedule to Hong Kong Act 1985.

In the circumstances, it would not therefore seem reasonable to regard such passport as uncancelled. Any views would be appreciated.

Re: Section 3 on Passport application form

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:31 pm
by as2018
That would seem reasonable to me too. However, it is best to play safe, I think - not all decisions are made on the basis of what seems reasonable :)

The guidance says:

A cancelled passport has the top right-hand corner of the cover cut off. An uncancelled passport has not been cancelled by its issuing authority (British or another country). This may include:
• an expired passport (in other words one that has run out)
• passports you are or were included on (for example, as a child), and
• passports issued to you by other countries

I'm thinking that first bullet point could still apply and I'd include it.

However, if you want official guidance, there is a help line available - 0300 123 2253 (9-4.45). You just have to wait for all options and take the last one to speak to someone who may be able to advise.