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British Citizenship for only childrens

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:12 pm
by Zain Ali
Dear people I need some advice on the year rule. My children are under 18 and have lived in the UK for 7 years so we have applied for the 7 year rule and got our hearing this September 2018. I was confused as I don't know what my children will actually get like will they be granted to remain in the UK for 30 months or will they get citizenship straight way so they wont have to wait till they apply for ILR. I have done some research on that and found out that some lawyers and barristers website says that it will be seen as full citizenship but for only the kids and for parents they will get leave to remain and then they will have to apply for ILR. However on some websites it says that kids will get 30 month leave as well and then they will have to apply for ILR. So please give me some advice like what will actually happen and is there any chance that the Judge will give the kids direct citizenship.


Re: British Citizenship for only childrens

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:39 pm
by secret.simon
Where were the children born? Whet ais your, your spouse's and your children's previous immigration history in the UK?

If the children were born in the UK AND have lived in the UK for the first ten (not seven) years of their life, then they are entitled to be registered as British citizens on or after their tenth birthday.

Under the seven year rule, your children and you will be considered for FLR(FP) for 2.5 years, and depending on their previous residence in the UK, will lead to ILR in ten years time, followed by a further year for naturalisation (as they will be over 18 years by then).