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Child born abroad Passport Interview

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 12:03 pm
by wentots

I have applied for my sons passport (philippines) 2 months ago and have recieved an email about a passport interview today.

I would like know if anyone in the forum has been on my situation and how was the interview is carried e.i question.

Thank you

First Brit passport for child born abroad

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:36 am
by wentots

I have made an application for my sons first british passport who is born in the Philippines nearly 4 months ago.

I have received a letter last month about an interview and have been to the interview on 24th of may.

After a week I checked online status of my sons passport application it says dispatched.

Today, I received all our supporting documents from my passport,mom & dad’s passport but my son’s passport is not with the package.

Does anyone know of how long it will take for the passport to be delivered? does supporting documents normally comes 1st or should the passport?

Date of Application: 02/02/2018
Reuquest of documents: 10/04/2018
Interviews: 24/05/2018
Supporting documents received: 31/05/2018
Sons passport: waiting....

Re: First Brit passport for child born abroad

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:57 pm
by ps2012
Such a long time feels not right.

Applying for British passport for Children is very straight forward as the children should be legal British already.

I applied for my US born son back in Feb in Beijing. They emailed to let me provide new form with countersignature which I did not provide as I do not know any other British in Beijing. After a few email exchanges, they insisted on the countersignature. After I came back to the UK and mailed them a new form, the passport was mailed (via UPS i guess) to Beijing the next week.

Re: First Brit passport for child born abroad

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 8:14 pm
by Rome
I received a letter for my daughter interview too,can you post some information about the questions they asked you at the interview please.