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Divorce before applycation

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:25 pm
by mauroldanr

I am non-EU holding a permanent residence. I got the PR just 1 month ago. I have some questions:
1. In case I get a divorce, will this affect me when in a year time I apply for my UK citizenship ?

2. If I get divorce, can I lose my permanent residence for the fact that I get divorce? or my status or residence does not depend anymore of my husband and it is a independent process?

Thank you

Permanent residence is he same that ILR?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:29 pm
by mauroldanr

A permanent residence is the same that Indefinite lave to remain?
I just got my permanent residence, If I start getting the divorce of my husband. Could I lose my permanent residence? or now my status does not depend if I am married or not?

Thank you

Re: Divorce before applycation

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:45 pm
by alterhase58
Note it's "Permanent" - you will not loose this status unless you leave the UK for more than two years.
Citizenship application is individual to you irrespective of marital status.