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Two valid passports in different names

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:31 pm
by mt0007
Hi, I would like to ask a question about my naturalisation application.  I received ILR status in end of December 2017, through tier 2 visa, therefore should be able to apply for naturalisation and UK passport (at the same time) as at end December 2018.

I have two valid passports: (i) Hong Kong SAR passport and (ii) BNO passport. However, my two passports have slightly different names , for example, it is “Mei Yee Abbie Tang” on Hong Kong SAR passport while it is “Abbie Mei Yee Tang” on the BNO passport. The name on my BRP is the same as the one on the BNO.

I am aware that to naturalise / apply for UK citizenship you need to have all valid passports of the same name. Then I would like to ask if I need to change my name on my BNO passport and BRP now before I apply for naturalisation in December?
Or, can I cancel one of.the passport (the Hong Kong one?), then apply for naturalisation?

many thanks for any help!!

Re: Two valid passports in different names

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:27 am
by vinny
To avoid refusal, confusion and allegations of identity thief, names in all documents should be identical.

Re: Two valid passports in different names

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:01 pm
by Richard W
mt0007 wrote:
Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:31 pm
I am aware that to naturalise / apply for UK citizenship you need to have all valid passports of the same name.
Interesting that vinny didn't cite any sources for that.

What is true is that to get a new British passport, all your valid passports will have to show the name you want on your new British passport, or you need to produce evidence that your non-British passports cannot have the name you normally use.

Re: Two valid passports in different names

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 6:55 pm
by mt0007
Thank you for you advice.

so my BNO and Hong Kong passports are now of the same name.

I have updated my name in the BNO as I can do this in the UK and kept my name in the Hong Kong passport as I called the Hong Kong Immigration Department and they told me that I needed to do the change in Hong Kong only.

My question :?: is: Do I need to update the name on my BRP (I have ILR already) before doing online application for naturalisation :?: :?:

My change of name effective date is 8th Nov 2018 but I can apply for citizenship from 29 December 2018 onwards. This is only a 2 months window...and changing name on BRP will take time and more money :cry: ...any advice will be appreciated !!
