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Child's British Citizenship

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:00 pm
by Rambo85
Good evening. I completed the online application for my Child (born in UK in June 2016, two months before I got my ILR) BC via the MN1 form.

The document checklist ask for :
Proof of My wife's parental responsibility
Proof of my parental responsibility
and under other doucuments, my daughter's Birth Cert.

Technically all the above mean my daughter's birth cert right? I am guessing I don't have to provide three separate documents?

Just Birth certificate for all the above check boxes correct?

Please let me know ASAP if I am expected to send anything else. I am about to submit all the docs by Friday, but I can hold a couple more days to arrange anything else that might be required.

Thank you in advance. Have a nice day.

Re: Child's British Citizenship

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:06 pm
by Rambo85
In addition to above, a couple of boxes are not even relevant
I can't provide my daughter's British passport, or permanent residence document (How can I when the application itself is for a citizenship).

Secondly, I can't provide my own British passport as I don't have one. I just have ILR and an Indian passport

The wording under these checkboxes say "If you do not provide any of these documents, we may not be able to make a decision on your application".

In may case I can leave a couple blank boxes right? They won't reject on the basis of that now would they?

Please let me know.

Many thanks in advance.