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Naturalisation and passport together

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:35 pm
by Gingerspice
Hi, I noticed may peope have applyed for passport before they received the decision letter. Is that the normal practice? What is the best way of doing it ? Many thanks

Re: Naturalisation and passport together

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:34 am
by CR001
1. Kindly do not tag questions onto the Timeline Only topics. I have split your post to its own topic.

2. The JCAP - Joint Citizenship and Passport Scheme - is available but only in certain ways. You need to apply for citizenship using the online form AN or MN1 and also complete the paper passport application. You then submit both at the NDRS - Nationality Document Return Service - at the council.

If you have already applied using only form AN, then you cannot submit a passport application until you have attended your ceremony.