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Need advice regarding my Son’s British Citizenship Application

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:32 pm
by maggi22
Dear Gurus,

I am an Indian National obtained ILR and my husband on PBS Dependent visa. I need your kind help on my son’s British Citizenship Application.

My Son was born on 10/09/2018 (10 days ago) and I’ve obtained my Indefinite Leave to Remain Visa on 11/09/2018 (BRP & Approval letter has same date - after 1 day he was born).

Q1. Does he automatically become British Citizen?

Q2. If he doesn’t get British Citizenship automatically, If I apply for his British Passport (rather than Register him as a British citizen) is it possible for Case Worker to use discretionary powers and issue British Passport?

Q2. If I have to Register him as a British Citizen, which form do I need to use (MN1-Section 1(3) or S3)?

Please Advice.

Thanks in Advance...!

Re: Need advice regarding my Son’s British Citizenship Application

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:39 pm
by vinny
Q1. No.

Q2. There is no caseworker’s discretion. A British passport doesn’t confer citizenship. If it’s issued in error, then it may be revoked.

Q2. Register under Section 1(3).