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Citizenship Ceremoey - Evenings/Weekends??

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:05 pm
by valluvan
Does anyone know if Birmingham city council or any other council does the citizenship ceremony in the evening or in weekends. I can't seem find much info reg this in the Birmingham city council website. Thanks for the info/help in advance

Re: Citizenship Ceremoey - Evenings/Weekends??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:50 am
by cricinfo
valluvan wrote:Does anyone know if Birmingham city council or any other council does the citizenship ceremony in the evening or in weekends. I can't seem find much info reg this in the Birmingham city council website. Thanks for the info/help in advance
Don't think any council holds citizenship ceremonies on weekend but you can probably have your private ceremony on weekend but you have to pay for that.