by RLMY » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:25 pm
I will try and reproduce here as verbatim :
CW : Let us have your form first
Me : Quietly slipped the form in
CW : Your passports pl
Me : Quietly again gave them
CW : Your biometric residence please
Again gave that. After every doc he wd look at his computer screen, do something and then ask for others.
Then a pause. He punched in the BRP reference number and asked me have you ever been in surrey county council. I said NO. He again punched in the number and said sorry.
He looked at the form, mainly at the income section, paused and then asked you know your income has droppoed from the last time when u had applied for extension.
Me : Yes
CW : Why
Me : I had worked lesser number of hours due to my exams
CW : What exams
Me : CA exam
CW : Did u clear them
Me : Yes
CW : Congratulations
CW : Was that unpaid leave
Me : Yes
CW : Give me ur income prrof.
Me : Gave pay slips and bank statements, and also gave him statement of earnings from my employer
CW : Just scanned them briefly for less than 10 secs..
CW : I wd do some checks and then come back, but do not worry, so far so good. He simply took my PP away and came back ina minute.
Then he took out a check box sheet and ticked a few boxes and asked for photocopies of docs and said . ALL Done. Make payment and give ur biometrics and come back in a hour.
In between he had also asked for LIUK pass doc.
That is it. I hope that answers your questions.