My application was rejected last year details in the previous post(link below)….but I am eligible to re-apply for ILR, 28 days prior or on or after 18/11/2012. Got the appointment for 12/11/2012, so started to prepare my application. Before that I had few doubt, so I taught of discussing that in this forum. ... highlight=
Since I don’t have the right to appeal, agency advised not to appeal but to apply for Tier-I General(Extn). So applied for Tier-I General(Extn) and got it till 15/07/2013. Now for me five year period starts from 11/2007 to 11/2012, during this period I have following leaves outside UK and that is within the limit. But in 2011 I have been outside UK for 58 days all for personal reason but was working from aboard and salary paid in UK. Do I need to provide employer letter for this absence stating I was continuously employed? I am asking this on the basis whether caseworker would question this leave why I was outside the country beyond your annual leave(25 days) allowance provided by my employer?
Do you see this as an issue?
Date From Date To Days Outside The UK
01/03/2008 16/03/2008 14
05/10/2008 19/10/2008 13
29/08/2009 14/09/2009 15
02/04/2010 05/04/2010 2
09/10/2010 24/10/2010 14
29/11/2010 18/12/2010 18
07/08/2011 10/09/2011
16/10/2011 06/11/2011
25/12/2011 10/01/2012
04/05/2012 07/05/2012 2
Total Number of Days Outside The UK since 2007 146