by db83 » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:07 pm
If your accountant has not completed the p&l for the year that has just ended, you will not be able to get a corporation tax letter. So I'd get my accountant to categorically state in a letter that although the company year has just completed, we are in the process of computing the p&l for the year.
I'd still however, get an accountant letter confirming your monthly payslips,net and gross dividend for the 12 month period you are claiming your earnings for.
Take the invoices, bank statement, payslip & dividend voucher with you & accountant letter.
PS: corp tax letter is not mandatory, it's a nice to have not a must to have as far as I'm aware. I run my ltd company as well and my p&l statement has not been completed for 2013- so I'm just taking the stuff which I've just told you.
I'm just trying to help !