by ramv » Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:14 pm
I was eligible for ILR on Nov 2017. However, I was not able to apply becausse of below reason. Now I would like to know what are my options to get my ILR?
Reason: I was working for company A till Sep 2017 under tier 2 general visa. In Sep 2017,Company A got merged with Company B under TUPE rules. In ideal conditions, I could go for ILR with an employment letter from company B. But the problem here is there is no tier 2 sponsorship licence for company B. They have applied sponsorship licence only in Nov 2017 for which the decision is still pending from HMRC. So I couldn't go for ILR with company B untill they get their licence I believe.
Can you please suggest if there is a way I can apply for ILR without moving to new sponsor as I have already completed 5 years under Tier 2 General visa? Is it mandatory to have company name(Company B) in sponsor list to apply for ILR?
Note: My company A still exists in sponsor list but my salary is coming through company B.
Appreciate your inputs.