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ILR - 2 year period for dependents

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:37 pm
by atara
Hi ,
I came to Uk in Aug 2007 and due for ILR next month. Query is for my dependents. My dependents- wife and my daughter have been in UK for only for 3 year period over all, in multiple stays switching between my home country and UK. The maximum stretch was 16 months only. In the last 2 years , last 10 months in UK and prior 14 months away from UK.

I have seen post in this forum where it says (Q12) that it is over all 2 year period and not continous is the requirement for dependents . I have spoken to 3 agents and pretty unanimously all say that last 2 years continous stay is mandatory for my wife and so I can only apply for FLR for her after my ILR. For my daughter , only when both parents have or apply at the sametime for ILR , the child can apply ILR. so for her as well I should apply for FLR.

So I am bit confused . should I apply for ILR for me first and then apply for FLR for my dependents or I can apply ILR for all 3( as 2 dependents) at one shot based on the reason dependents have stayed for over all 3 years in UK in the last 5 years of my stay.

Any advise will be great. Thanks

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:15 am
by vinny