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Life in UK test validity

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:03 am
by Kishorbm
The Life in Uk test is going to change in Autumn 2012, my ILR is not due until August 2013. Can I take the test now and use these results for my ILR next year? On the Lifeinuk website they mention the test results are valid indefinitely but at same time recommend that apply as soon as test is taken. UKBA will keep the test results for 'reasonable time'
Has anyone taken the test that far in advance, will UKBA hold results on their database for 1 yr?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:16 pm
by wpilr_nov12
Under current setup, you can take LIUK test any time you like, but definitely before you apply for ILR, if your category requires this. The prevailing wisdom is not to keep it to the last moment, and definitely not in the final two weeks before applying for ILR.
Also under current setup, Your LIUK test result is good indefinitely, ie, it does not expire. However it's useful life ends once you acquire British Citizenship.