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HSMP + Tier1 - ILR Due Jan2013

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:32 am
by Tanya2013
Dear Members

My BackGround: HSMP (Feb08-Feb10) + Tier1 (Feb10-Feb13)

My Employment Status during last 5 years:
Oct 2007 till April 2010 - Self Employed
April2010 till date - Full time Emplyment and also very little earning from self emplyment

My Question: I will only be claiming earning points from full time employment as its more than enough to gain the necessary points. And will be carrying the employment history details for last 5 years that i have recived from HMRC. Since I have switched to full time employment - Is it advisable that i should take with me any sort of paper work other than that from the time I was self employed to my appointment or only last 12 months bank n work papers will do?

This is to prove that i was self employed when i first applied HSMP and Tier1 and now on full time employment.

Read too much of information and now Only confused :shock:

Many Thanks in advance

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:17 pm
by Tanya2013
Anyone any with idea please reply!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:43 pm
by saayinla
I ll say just take your 12 month's payslip and Bank Statement since you ve got your employment history letter from HMRC.