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Impact of Council tax summons

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:22 pm
by diwakar21
Dear friends,
Need your expert opinion on this, some time back (probably 17-18 months back) i received a summons from the council for the delay in paying the council tax. I paid the remaining council tax due for the whole year on the next day itself with the fine for issuing the summons. I checked with the council and they told nothing to be done from my side as i paid the full council tax and the fine, that's the end of that story.
Can any one tell me if that is going to have any impact on my ILR which is due in few days. Appreciate your immediate response.

Many Thanks,

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:24 pm
by wpilr_nov12
Was it a 'liability order'? If so, no impact, no need to mention it.

Ask your local council to confirm if this would have gone on your credit report or anything like that.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:55 pm
by sayome_now
This is what Good character requirement says

8.8 Non-payment of Council Tax
8.8.1 Payment of the Council Tax is a legal requirement, and non-compliance is a punishable offence. Failure to pay Council Tax means that an applicant fails to meet the good character requirement. Applicants who also provide a false statement or fail to declare their full circumstances in order to avoid paying a higher rate of Council Tax should also normally be refused citizenship.
8.8.2 However, where an applicant has been unable to pay the Council Tax because of his or her financial position, and some sort of arrangement is being, or has been, negotiated with the relevant authority then caseworkers may grant an application.

I don't the problem with your case as long as you have paid.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:49 pm
by diwakar21
Thanks Guru and sayome_now for your response.
@Guru, It was summons and I settled everything in full with the council itself before the court dates mentioned in the summons