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Question on Co-habitation document

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:05 am
by ahmedrohil

I will be applying for ILR in May 2013 for me and my wife, i need to know details on documents which need to be submitted for co-habitation

I have following documents, please confirm would this be sufficient

1. I have Rental Agreement which has both my name and my wife's name added
2. I have NHS Card for me and my wife
3. I have permanent driving license for me (main applicant) and provisional driving license on my wife's name
4. I have bank statements on my name for last 2 years and my wife has got bank statement, but it is not a joint account and also bank statement for my wife is upto last 20 months and not for whole 2 years
5. I have loads of letters from GP and NHS
6. I have insurance letters as well which would be for 2 years
7. Please note i do not have any utility bills which has both my name and wife name added , so, unfortunately i will not be able to produce any of utility bills

Please confirm would these documents be sufficient or would there be any questions raised.

Also, on point 2 NHS Card address will be different from the current address (i.e., the addess in Rental agreement and NHS Card will be different), will that have any issues?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:13 am
by vwhiting
You have more than enough. Letters do not have to be in both names but if you have letters addressed to you and your wife (from separate companies) but to the same address, then it proves you live together.

I think you only need to prove two years and about 6 letters?

What category are you applying under


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:59 pm
by ahmedrohil
i will be applying for set(o). can u as well confirm, do i need to show a minimum balance? if yes what shud be the amount

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:37 am
by vwhiting
That depends what category you are applying under on the Set O form. If it is Ancestral, I don't think you do not need a minimum balance but if it is under one of the points based (Tier) then you do. I'm not sure what it is at the moment as it changes on 6 April

cohab clarification

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:36 pm
by kpmar
Many Thanks in advance for the response the below.

We have the below document on my wife's name to prove she was living with me for 2years .

Bank documents more than 2 years

Rental agreement for more than 2 years

NHS letters few NHS letters

Few Council tax included on her name

Could you please let me know will this be sufficient for cohabitation ? if not what else can provided as cohab.

Can the cohab can be shown on any given five year ?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:13 am
by vinny