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SET (M) form - Urgent please PEO appoint tomorrow

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:58 am
by mrgsingh

I have my wife's PEO appointment tomorrow and wonder if you could give me some guidance regarding form please.

9.12. Please state what ties you have with;
• The country where you were born
• Any other country whose nationality you hold
• Any country where you have lived for more than 5 years
You should tell us about any family, friends, or other connections with that country

My wife holds only Indian nationality and she has spent more than 5 years into the UK. Does it mean should we mention both countries i.e India & UK or just India

Can you also please advise me if there is any income requirements i.e Over certain amount should I earn to apply for my wife's ILR. My wife joined me on a dependant visa in 2010.

Thanks for your advise in advance.

Re: SET (M) form - Urgent please PEO appoint tomorrow

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:59 am
by wangxiaosara
The country where you were born. - India
• Any other country whose nationality you hold - No
• Any country where you have lived for more than 5 years - UK
You should tell us about any family, friends, or other connections with that country - I living in the UK with my husband, he is a British citizen/settled person there.

Can you also please advise me if there is any income requirements i.e Over certain amount should I earn to apply for my wife's ILR. My wife joined me on a dependant visa in 2010. - not sure about this, is she on a dependant visa now? If yes, I don't think she can apply set m directly. Should she switch to spouse visa first? Again not sure. Someone pls advise on this.

mrgsingh wrote:Hi

I have my wife's PEO appointment tomorrow and wonder if you could give me some guidance regarding form please.

9.12. Please state what ties you have with;
• The country where you were born
• Any other country whose nationality you hold
• Any country where you have lived for more than 5 years
You should tell us about any family, friends, or other connections with that country

My wife holds only Indian nationality and she has spent more than 5 years into the UK. Does it mean should we mention both countries i.e India & UK or just India

Can you also please advise me if there is any income requirements i.e Over certain amount should I earn to apply for my wife's ILR. My wife joined me on a dependant visa in 2010.

Thanks for your advise in advance.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:34 pm
by Amber
1. Is you spouse currently on a PBS dep visa or did she switch to flr(m)?

2. Did you qualify for ILR (if applicable) as a PBS dep or long residence?