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Child born in Uk & tier 2 dependant

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:40 am
by M2429

I currently have Tier 2 visa, I will be qualifying for my settlement in Dec 2016. My wife has a dependant visa valid till Dec 2017 . She will be eligible to apply for her settlement on Oct 2017, because she applied for her initial visa after June 2012(2 yrs changed to 5 yrs)
My daughter was born in Uk on July 2015.
My questions are
1) Does my daughter apply as a PBS dependant along with my wife after my settlement or
2) Is my daughter eligible to apply with Form MN1 after I get my settlement?
3) Will my wife still have to pay the health surcharge for 1yr or 3yr before settlement?
4) what application form does my wife use to make her extension for 1 more year if she has to apply for an extension after I get my settlement?
Thank you

Re: Child born in Uk & tier 2 dependant

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:38 am
by vinny
2. Yes.
3. 3 years, assuming they grant your ILR under PBS.
4. Tier 2 dependant.

Re: Child born in Uk & tier 2 dependant

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:59 am
by M2429
Thank you
One more thing my wife's current visa as PBS dependant is valid till Dec 2017, does she have to re apply as PBS dependant again after my settlement once again can't the previous one be still used?

Thank you once again

Re: Child born in Uk & tier 2 dependant

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:50 am
by vinny
Current leave remains valid until expiry.