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ILR-under 10 year-route-combination

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:13 am
by sekar_gm
Dear all,

thanks a lot for everyone's support so far, I am planning for My wife's ILR under 10-year route,

2-years student+4years HSMP+4years dependant , Please suggest under what category i could apply, i.e under the dependent after 5-years by waiting 1-more year or if qualified under 10-year long residency under diff -combination as mentioned above.

Please advise me.

Kind Regard---Dhan

Re: ILR-under 10 year-route-combination

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:20 am
by CR001
It would help if you actually listed the visa start and end dates for each category.