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ILR Continuous Residence question

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:45 am
by annp

I have been working in the UK for 5.5 years -- my first 17 months were on a Tier 5 - Creative and Sporting Visa, and I now have a Tier 2 (General) visa. There was no break in employment between the two visas.

The rules for "Continuous Residence" on the website state that I can apply for ILR under Tier 2 (General), and my 5 years can include time on another visa, including: "Work Permit in the business and commercial category or the sports and entertainment category"

I assume a Tier 5 - Creative & Sporting visa is not the same as a "Work Permit - sport & entertainment," but I can't find any information on Work Permits, so I thought I'd see if anyone knows. I was always under the impression that time here on Tier 5 "doesn't count" -- which is really unfortunate.

Thank you!

Re: ILR Continuous Residence question

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:36 pm
by zimba
Time spent on Tier 5 does not count for ILR under Tier 2.
The UK Work Permit scheme was an immigration category for skilled workers to enter the UK until November 2008 which then was scrapped and replaced by point based immigration system.

Re: ILR Continuous Residence question

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:55 pm
by annp
Ah yes, that's as I suspected. I'll just have to sit tight for another year...

thank you!