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ILR set(o) proof of absence letter

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 12:47 pm
by Kimbles38
Hi all

I have been following these boards to get help with my ilr application next Wednesday, I just have one query

I have asked my past employers for the above letter but I was wondering if the letter had to actually specify dates? My employers know I was on annual leave but obviously not whether I was in or out if the country unless I provide them with the dates

I will obviously be supplying a full list of the time spent outside the country as part of my application anyway, so do my past employers also have to mention on their letter,, can they just state that any time spent outside the U.K. was paid annual leave?

Many thanks

Re: ILR set(o) proof of absence letter

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 12:49 pm
by CR001

Re: ILR set(o) proof of absence letter

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 12:56 pm
by Kimbles38

I don’t have any business related absences, just annual leave but I notice this letter doesn’t mention specific dates so I guess it will be ok for a generic statement saying ‘anytime spent outside the U.K. during this period of employment is covered by paid annual leave’?