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ILR 5 year Spouse route 60 month calculation URGENT

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 11:59 am
by Hotcat
Hi, there

I am going to PSC appointment this Friday. I just want to make sure my application is eligible by complete 60 month (5 year).

First visa issued outside UK from 18/02/ 2013 to 18/11/2015
I first entered UK 31 March 2013.
Second FLR issued 09 December 2015 to 07 July 2018. (BRP card)
Absence from UK during that period 46 days for family visit.
Premium service appointment date 25 May 2018.

Can you please check if it is Ok?
Thanks for any advice!

Re: ILR 5 year Spouse route 60 month calculation URGENT

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 11:52 pm
by cyclina1
OK no problem. Assume your second FLR application was in time.

Re: ILR 5 year Spouse route 60 month calculation URGENT

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 2:40 pm
by CR001
You could have applied for ILR in the beginning of March already, within 28 days prior to reaching 5 year residence.

Re: ILR 5 year Spouse route 60 month calculation URGENT

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 11:25 pm
by Hotcat
Hi, cyclina1 and Char

Thanks for the quick reply.
I thought I am eligible 28 day's before BRP card expire but when I realised it was already April.
Hope everything ok on my big day.