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ILR & Wife's Extension

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:55 pm
by Username56
Hi Respected Members & Gurus! :idea:

I need some advice as I am going to apply for my own ILR and an extension for my wife. I have done some reading and have collected some information. Kindly if you can go through this and see if I have got anything wrong.

I will apply ILR for my own self based on 5 years of Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa (50K route).

- I have 2 FT employees who would be continuing the job till the time of extension and will be more than 24 months by then.

- I have also passed my LIUK test.

There is no requirement of any maintenance funds for ILR.


For my wife's extension:

- Maintenance funds of £630 are required for 90 days.

- Form which needs to be filled is Tier 1 PBS Dependent Form on which she herself would be the main applicant.

- Cohabitation proofs I have are: Electricity & Gas Bills / Council Tax.

Kindly mention if anything is wrong or anything missing in the information I have collected or anything if needs to be added.

Cheers :)

Re: ILR & Wife's Extension

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:21 pm
by zimba
Do not forget to send CTax evidence and business bank statements

Re: ILR & Wife's Extension

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:21 am
by Username56

Many thanks for your response.

Am I right for the maintenance though? Its only £630 I have to maintain for 90 days for the dependant visa and nothing is required for ILR.

Re: ILR & Wife's Extension

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:41 pm
by zimba