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EEA2 application and work permit

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:15 pm
by Tyo
I am an non EU person who will apply for a EEA2 registration in January 2013, following my marriage here in UK with my European Fiance.
I understand from the UKBA page that it can take 3 to 6 months before the registration card is returned.
My question is: will I be allowed to apply for work straight after sending the application in and where could I find a law statement to prove this in case I am asked?
According to the UKBA webpage the EEA2 registration is not mandatory but very much advised as otherwise I will have problems in proving my right of remaining in the UK with my partner - however my understanding is that after the marriage I would have the same rights as she has, therefore I would think that I should be allowed to apply for work and work, should I be offered a job.
Many thanks

Re: EEA2 application and work permit

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:29 pm
by kofi75
Under EU law you already have the right to reside once you are married.the application is just to confirm the right you already got through your marriage to an EEA citizen.If you put your application in after the marriage you ll be issued with a cert of application valid for 6mths which allows you to wrk while your application is under law it should be considered within 6mths but you cant be guaranteed

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:15 pm
by Tyo
Thank you for the response

This basically mean that I should better apply for the registration certificate straight away?
Is it otherwise not possible to prove it using a quote on the European Directive? And is it possible to apply for a National Insurance without the registration certificate?