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Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:50 am
by embajador30
Hi all,

I would like to regulate my situation in UK. Next November I will have been in UK for 5 years. I had never imagined I would stay so long....
I have been checking the Regulations 2006 for EEA nationals in UK and I read you are not qualified to get permanent residence if you have claimed benefits.
My situation is:
I arrived in November 2008 and I started working in a bar for 6 months, then ceased and started to get benefits for 3 years. I have been seeking a job hardly (as a lawyer) but I have had to get courses and transfer my degree.
In 2012 found a job as administration BUT WITHOUT CONTRACT. I ceased getting benefits and I started to work in this company.
Now, I got a new job as a immigration consultant (training) and I have to be self employed in the next months.

My question is if I am qualified to get the permanent residence working 6 months, studied different courses, claimed benefits and now self employed.

Please, help me...because I am worried about the UK future in UK or even UK decided to close boarders for europeans as Switzerland or Sweeden...

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:23 am
by Jambo
From your description it is unlikely you have obtained PR status so far.

However, if the sole reason you seek PR is to secure residence in the UK, then I would not worry too much. It is very unlikely that the UK would leave the EEA (the EEA is the EU + European countries which are not part of the EU). Even if this unlikely event happens, it is unlikely they will put restrictions on people already in the UK. Most of the measures are to try to limit future migration. In any case, by the time all of this happens you will probably be 5 years in employment and secure a PR.

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:05 pm
by embajador30
Thanks for your reply but the thing is how I could prove I am here if I have a work without contract...would it be enough if I am self employed?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:10 pm
by sheraz7
3 years of claiming benefits while being out of work will most likely make you ineligible for PR. And Jambo is correct that if in future UK bring any policy for eastern europeans then most probably it will affect the future migrants from eastern europe.

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:35 pm
by Obie
I find it quite puzzling why an immigration consultant and a lawyer will be asking these kind of question. Am i missing something.

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:58 pm
by Plum70
Obie wrote:I find it quite puzzling why an immigration consultant and a lawyer will be asking these kind of question. Am i missing something.
In training.