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EEA national Passport/ID card/another form of ID

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:47 am
by Universal soldier
In EEA2 and EEA4 form and in guidance it has been mentioned that the evidence of identity such as EEA national passport/Id/another form of ID should be attached. Then what does it mean from another form of ID (can this be EEA national registration certificate like EEA1 card).
And for Long residence ILR on 10 years basis whether attaching the EEA national passport/ID is compulsory along with the treaty rights evidence covering such period under EEA route or not. The application form (Set- LR) for ILR on 10 years basis no where ask for EEA national passport/id.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:44 am
by Jambo
EEA1 is not a form of ID. It should be a passport or national ID although one can argue that if a Registration Certificate has been issued then the HO should already have the ID on file.

When applying for 10 years ILR, for the years under EEA regulations similar evidence to what is required for form EEA4 is needed. This includes the EEA national ID. It is not specified in SET(O) form as this is not common to apply using the EEA regulations under this category.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:09 pm
by Universal soldier
How about if the EEA national send a signed letter to confirm and say that original passport need specially for day to day banking and other similar aspects and attach a copy of passport with set (lr) ilr application. And also confirm that its passport not reported stole/lost/renew and they already got its same copy in their file.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:57 pm
by Directive/2004/38/EC
Jambo wrote:EEA1 is not a form of ID. It should be a passport or national ID although one can argue that if a Registration Certificate has been issued then the HO should already have the ID on file. .
FYI ... I27127.pdf and ... I27127.pdf

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:15 pm
by Universal soldier
Thanks Directive! Your answer contains the exact information which needed. Thanks again.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:31 pm
by eldane
Directive/2004/38/EC wrote:
Jambo wrote:EEA1 is not a form of ID. It should be a passport or national ID although one can argue that if a Registration Certificate has been issued then the HO should already have the ID on file. .
FYI ... I27127.pdf and ... I27127.pdf
I quoted from the first document (I had enclosed my Permanent RC) when I applied for my wifes EEA2 which was helt up for ages due to, I assume, the "missing" ID from the EEA national (although there was no mention in the SAR of this. The EEA2 RC was issued few days after with no further comment or request for the EEA passport.

Good luck,
El danes

Re: EEA national Passport/ID card/another form of ID

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:52 pm
by Miracle need
But why there is need to send again the EU national passport or identity card when its non-EU national is applying permanent residence after 5 years or ILR after 10 years since the EU's passport had already sent them previously then why again? :shock: :shock:
Does regulation 29A is designed for same purpose.

Re: EEA national Passport/ID card/another form of ID

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:29 pm
by Directive/2004/38/EC
Miracle need wrote:But why there is need to send again the EU national passport or identity card when its non-EU national is applying permanent residence after 5 years or ILR after 10 years since the EU's passport had already sent them previously then why again? :shock: :shock:
Does regulation 29A is designed for same purpose.
UKBA likes to request things that they can not require. In this case I suspect it is intended as a cheap easy way of discouraging applications where the EU person is no longer living with the non-EU applicant.

Re: EEA national Passport/ID card/another form of ID

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:41 pm
by Miracle need
Directive/2004/38/EC wrote:
Miracle need wrote:But why there is need to send again the EU national passport or identity card when its non-EU national is applying permanent residence after 5 years or ILR after 10 years since the EU's passport had already sent them previously then why again? :shock: :shock:
Does regulation 29A is designed for same purpose.
UKBA likes to request things that they can not require. In this case I suspect it is intended as a cheap easy way of discouraging applications where the EU person is no longer living with the non-EU applicant.
But if the evidences of treaty rights of EU national, address documents similar to non-eu national address, valid marriage certificate have been attached still they need passport/ID card. Many among us only have passport as the only picture ID and cannot be able to send it and they even still they need passport/ID card :shock: :shock: