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Refusal - JR??

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:30 pm
by pavithra
hey ,
I have the similar problem. I was in work permit just before it expires I applied for EEA family member visa on April 2016. However, it got rejected and by that time there was no right to appeal. Therefore, I applied for jucial review and mean time I submitted a fresh application and cancelled the judicial review. However, my second application is still on process and I hear from many solicitors that this category is very unsucessful now and some also say that I'm illegal as currently im not on any visa . my old employer would like to offer me a job permit but my solicitor says that I cannot do so as I dont fit in the criteria. I would like to know whether its worth going for judicial review or apply for EEA application if its unsuccessful this time? or is there any other categories I can switch for ? Thank you so much

Re: Refusal - JR??

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:40 am
by CR001
What relation is the EU citizen to you?

Re: Refusal - JR??

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:45 pm
by attari
I got same problem, What should I do ? Fresh App or JR. Some saying that HO might deport me as well. or call me for interview on my second app.
I know that according to Section 3c I am illegal as I have no ground after my first refusal. Still I can apply fresh app. but I am not sure what should I do.

Re: Refusal - JR??

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:31 pm
by CR001
attari wrote:I got same problem, What should I do ? Fresh App or JR. Some saying that HO might deport me as well. or call me for interview on my second app.
I know that according to Section 3c I am illegal as I have no ground after my first refusal. Still I can apply fresh app. but I am not sure what should I do.
Please start your own topic with details about your circumstances. This is not a general discussion topic. Section 3C does not apply to EEA/EU route applications.