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Comprehensive sickness insurance EU students

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:09 am
by Pegasus
Following the EU referendum I found out EU students are supposed to have comprehensive sickness Inssurance. I was not aware of this requirement when I was a student and I am very concerned that it might affect my right to stay in this country after Brexit.

Today I came across some information that suggests that it might be possible to retrospectively get comprehensive health I Inssurance with an S2 form.

I found the information on this website: ... -needs-it/

Has anyone done this. If so I would appreciate any help and advice you might be able to give as I am a little bit confused about it all.

Re: Comprehensive sickness insurance EU students

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:55 pm
by MrSlyFox
It depends on which country was covering your health care in the UK, i.e. which EEA country were in before you came to the UK you will have to contact them.